There's something to that invisible community, hinted at or unearthed by icons of the 70s or 80s ( be they trends, toys, music, TV shows, etc.) Great times. These days I need more bathroom breaks.

Maybe the pursuit of being good or improving at a thing is part of why we're not as satisfied with innocent 'play'. We're more aware of what good means in a broader context, and more capable as adults, so we want to achieve those things instead of 'having fun'. Like your earlier article on being in the flow needing the right "Goldilocks" level of competency and challenge. But I'm sure the best people at a thing are also the ones who just get into play mode (or flow mode) - but maybe more focused on some metric for improvement.

"Just let go"...

"nice work if you can get it

and you can get, it if you (don't) try :)"

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Never thought about the “creep of responsibility”, but definitely snuck in there at some point. For me, I think it started in primary school – the report card had better look good, or there will be consequences for being so carefree and oblivious to outcome.

I was a Strombecker slot car kid...


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